Hi, I think the Outer Join works improperly when there is missing values in data.
I have two queries, one select “value” from table “status”, and the other select “FiltratePressure” from table “wide_data”. Both queries “Group by the data” with15s interval.
When I do outer join by time using Transform, I noticed that the combined table was not completely in time order. See pic below.
“2021-10-24 03:53:15” at the bottom is the outlier. The FiltratePressure at this time stamp is missing, and Outer Join doesn’t put this line in the correct order. This causes issues when I applied preprocessing → imputing_missing_value → fill → forward_fill as a following step.
Similar issues find here.https://community.grafana.com/t/time-series-not-sorted-by-time-after-outer-join-by-time/33794 No solution posted yet.